Try this essential grounding practice

If "I'm too busy to take a break" or "I can't slow down" sound familiar.... this one's for you!

Things tend to speed up this time of year as we pack in so much before welcoming in the new year. If you're feeling anxious, like things are moving too fast, and like you can't turn it off....

clear out 9 minutes of your day and --> join me for this grounding exercise. 

This practice allows you to: 
1. Calm and down regulate your nervous system
2. Anchor in the present
3. Slow down your sense of time by syncing mind and body
4. Relax your body by connecting to the support of the ground 

Imprinting this experience in your body teaches you how to return to this sense of grounded-ness throughout the day. 

And then at the end of the exercise try this: 

1. Take as much time as you'd like to transition off the floor
2. Notice the ground supporting you as you come back to standing
3. Once standing, register your sense of the ground and gravity moving through you

Simply inviting yourself to notice your sense of the ground throughout the day sends cues to your body that it can safe to slow down and that you have time.

Enjoy it and make sure to reply and let me know how this lands for you. 

Here's to slowing down :)

P.S. If you run into questions as you go through this practice feel free to reach out me.


15 min Alexander Technique Lie Down